Cascading System

The idea is to incentivise engagement from indigenous communities by creating value, and ask those located in Western countries (individuals or research institutions) to pay for interaction with the content. Initially we have looked to Faircoin as a model but also at an Ethereum platfom.

There is a missing piece of the puzzle that will convert this from another content distribution system to something that truly empowers sovereignty and generates resources. Whether this is working with a company who is using blockchain for safeguarding identities of climate refugees at low transaction costs or running networks to provide water filtration systems will depend on the members of the network and our contacts.

Interesting projects with Related Values:

Welcoming to dovetail the plans that have been coming through for the Cascade Network as a Joint Venture with organisations that share values. It can be nothing but a joint venture because it is a huge idea and will take long-term true collaboration.

The focus now is in growing relationships with technology companies towards the design process that will take place during HIVE Brighton September - December 2018 bringing together experts in No-growth and alternative economics to consider healthy cascade value systems that enshrine ecological and long-term values.

The HIVE is based in Brighton with Swarm Dynamics and focusses on art, creativity and System Change. A creative engine room will run out of Brighton University for understanding, communicating, envisioning and enacting the scenarios for the Next System interacting with ecological thinking and technologies such as virtual reality and blockchain.

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