What does Success look like?

Notes towards applying Lean thinking techniques to the Cascade Network pitch to ensure that it stands up to external scrutiny


Cascade.network a communication system that uses ritual and experiential immersive media to connect communities and share cultural understanding whilst protecting sovereignty and ownership and prototyping a tool for consensus. Involving an interactive 3D model of Vanuatu that logs stories and living culture in 360 degree form.


To address

problem 1 [anticipated problems of communication emerging over the next decades of climate change]

problem 2 [potential destruction of knowledge]

problem 3 [build relationships in order to source vital services / supplies]


(blockchain, VR, AR). Then for the "how"...."why blockchain", "why VR", "why Haptic".

What are the incentives to keep the Cascade alive.......?

Case studies - personas and scenarios

5 Why's (Lean thinking)

"Why do we need a Cascade.Network?". Communities in Vanuatu are concerned that the younger generations are loosing connection with the communal knowledge, values and traditional stories in a cultural forgetting and opening to more Western values.

  1. "Why does it matter if they shift to adopt Western values?". [Vanuatu collaborators to write] Because these Western values won't help the culture thrive and address the climate challenges.
  2. "Why does the culture need to thrive?". Because the culture ensures the ecosystem in which the Vanuatu live will grow and evolve on their own terms.
  3. "Why would the ecosystem die?". Because there are precious few resources, which are vulnerable and require unique knowledge known only to the Vanuatu to preserve them.
  4. "Why will the Cascade.network assist with cultural sovereignty?". Because the network will hold live communications whilst also preserving cultural values and unique knowledge in a persistent medium for the communities, which can be utilised as a store of value, and a medium of exchange to provide the Vanuatu with a record of their culture, a means to share and communicate it, and methods to exchange aspects of it for needed external resources available only through connection with a wider global network.

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